Page 3 - stressmanagement
P. 3

Wellness@Boston                                                             Page 78

                   In  this, as in any threat to your physical survival,  your body’s  reaction is
                   immediate and exactly the same as it was in prehistoric times. When primitive

                   people  felt threatened,  fear sent signals to their brains, and the  brain

                   responded by stimulating the production of energising substances. As a result,
                   the body was suddenly filled with energy, energy which was used up in flight

                   or fight responses.

                   The same process is still triggered today. When you perceive a threat of any
                   sort, your brain sends “alert – danger” messages to other parts of your body.

                   How does your body respond to stress?

                                 Your heart rate and blood pressure rise,

                                         your muscles tense,

                                                  your pupils dilate,

                                                               your glands begin sending out hormones,

                                                                     your liver produces extra sugar …

                                   you are ready for action!

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