Page 14 - timemanagement
P. 14

Wellness@Boston                                                             Page 73

                   lives like the sand and water and gravel. If we had put all the smaller things in
                   first, the gravel, sand, pebbles and water, would we have been able to fit in

                   the rocks? No. Therefore, the order in which we do things or prioritise dictates

                   whether or not we will be able to ‘fit it all in’ to our busy day.

                   How to prioritise

                   Having a long list of things you have to do, a simple “to do” list, can be quite

                   overwhelming, leading to the feeling that you are swamped and not coping.
                   Prioritising your listed activities will undercut that feeling by putting you back in

                   control. Use the numbers one to four to mark the activities you have listed as
                   shown on the next page:

                       Priority 1 activities are of high importance and high urgency. In other

                       words, these are tasks which must be done today. There is no possibility

                       of postponing them; to do so would invite unwanted consequences.

                       Priority 2  activities are of  high importance  and  low urgency. These
                       activities are important to your long-term planning, but can be postponed if

                       necessary. Do not, however, fall into the trap of postponing the activity for

                       so long that you never get around to doing it.

                       Priority 3 activities are of low importance and high urgency. These are
                       activities which are not terribly important in terms of achieving your goals.

                       Priority 4  activities are of  low importance  and  low urgency, and can

                       safely be left until another day if time doesn’t permit.

                   The first step of this planning process is simply to list, as they come to mind,

                   everything that you plan to do that day. The next step is to prioritise these
                   activities. Once you have prioritised the  planned activities, you’re ready to

                   start your day. As you complete an activity, cross it off your list, or mark it with

                   a tick to indicate that you have dealt with it. You’ll feel a sense of achievement
                   as you cross off or tick items; it’s a visible indicator of what you are achieving.

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