Page 3 - timemanagement
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Wellness@Boston                                                             Page 62

                   WHAT IS TIME MANAGEMENT?

                   Generally,  time management refers to developing tools and processes that

                   increase efficiency and productivity.

                   So, the first step in effective time management is
                   analysing how you currently spend your time and

                   deciding how you  want to change how  you
                   spend your time. Time management  is  not

                   necessarily    working "harder", but rather,

                          The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."

                                                   - Michael Altshuler

                   Five Principles of Time Management

                   1.     Set Goals and Establish Priorities

                   Link your goals to your time  management so that it has real purpose.
                   Establish  priorities so that you  spend time  on things that really  matter  –  in

                   every area of your life.

                   2.     Spot the Time Wasters

                   Knowing how you spend your time will give you clues about how to save your

                   time. You’ll do an exercise to help you establish this in a little while.

                   3.     Eat, drink, breathe and sleep Time Management

                   Be ruthlessly self-disciplined and always conscious of time. Use every

                   minute of every day to achieve your goals. Remember that time is not an
                   unlimited resource.

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