Page 4 - timemanagement
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Wellness@Boston                                                             Page 63

                   4.     Think Quality Time – not Quantity

                   Time management does not mean working harder and longer. Instead, it

                   means using time to  optimum advantage:  use as little time as  possible  as
                   effectively as possible in order to achieve your goals. Working overtime for the

                   sake of it shows a lack of time management. Organise yourself and your time
                   – and remember to schedule leisure time too!

                   5.     Organise Yourself

                                 Act purposefully and positively and plan ahead.  Improve your
                                 filing and storage systems.  Keep on hand only the things that

                                 you use on a regular basis. Start and end each day with a clear
                                 desk. Avoid interruptions. Concentrate on important matters.

                                 Prioritise by giving  your attention to doing the  most important
                                 things really well. Don’t allow yourself to  be sidetracked. If  an

                                 interruption is important, schedule a time to deal with it  when

                                 you can give it the attention it deserves.

                                     One of the most useful techniques suggested by time

                   management strategists has got to  be  the Urgent vs.  Important Time
                   Management grid that Steven Covey, the guru of effective time management

                   will long be remembered for!

                   The idea is fairly simple: all activities that take up management time can be

                   plotted into one of the four quadrants, as shown below.

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