Page 7 - timemanagement
P. 7

Wellness@Boston                                                             Page 66

                   Quadrant B is referred to by Steven Covey as the ‘quadrant of quality’ as it is
                   here, he says, that we do our long term planning, anticipate and prevent

                   problems, empower others, broaden our minds and increase our skills through

                   reading and research, prepare  for important meetings and presentations  or
                   invest in relationships through deep, honest listening. Spending more time in

                   this quadrant increases our ability to do. Neglecting this quadrant  feeds
                   Quadrant A;  creating  stress, burnout  and more  crises for the person

                   consumed by it.

                   Quadrant C is where we spend much of our time meeting the expectations of

                   others sincerely believing that we are in Quadrant A!

                   Quadrant D is the ‘quadrant of waste’ as it is not necessarily productive, but

                   rather a place to escape. Habitually watching mindless TV shows or gathering
                   around the kettle to gossip and exchange  casual  banter  and gossip would

                   qualify as time wasters and belong in Quadrant D.

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